Lake St. Helen
The 2024-2025 special assessment will pay for the establishment of the special assessment district boundaries, interim repairs to the lake level control structure, and engineering for a long-term project. The project cost is $350,000. The assessment will last two years (2024-2025) and have a 5-6%* interest rate. The first assessment will appear on property owners' winter 2024 tax bill.
*Interest rate subject to change. Final amount will be known once the bond is sold.
1,155.25 FEET*
*Above sea level
St. Helen Assessment Prepayment Update
The deadline to prepay special assessments is to be determined. Prepayments are no longer due on August 30th. We will share more information here and property owners will receive a letter with prepayment information once it's available.
Assessment Prepayment FAQs
Due Date: August 31, 2024
Make checks payable to Roscommon County.
Write "Lake St. Helen - Lake Level" and your parcel ID on the memo line.
​The County cannot accept credit card payments or payments made over the phone.
What is my assessment payoff amount?
You can find your total assessment payoff amount at the top of the notice received in the mail. You can also find your total assessment payoff amount by clicking the button below and finding your parcel.
Can I write one check for multiple parcels?
Yes, you can write one check to prepay your assessments for multiple parcels. If mailing your payment, please be sure to include information indicating the parcel identification numbers of all parcels you are prepaying for.
How do I prepay my assessment?
You may prepay your lake level special assessment in full by August 31, 2024, to avoid interest.
Prepay by check or money order through either of the following methods:
IN-PERSON — In-person payments can be made Monday through Friday between 8:30 AM-12:00 PM and 2:00 PM-4:30 PM at the Roscommon County Board of Commissioners Office at 500 Lake Street, Roscommon, MI 48653.
MAIL — Mailed payments can be sent to: Roscommon County Board of Commissioners, 500 Lake Street, Roscommon, MI 48653. Please ensure that all prepayments made by mail will be received by August 31, 2024. If mailing a prepayment, please include information indicating your parcel identification number, which is listed at the top of the notice you received in the mail.
What is the interest rate if I do not prepay?
The final interest rate will not be locked in until the prepayment deadline has passed and financing is secured.
When will I receive my assessment?
If you choose not to prepay your assessment, your 2024 winter tax bill will contain a line item with the first annual assessment, including interest. The assessment will appear on your winter tax bill in 2024 and 2025.